Bekymret for vareflyten i Europa


Foto: Patrick Hendry.

I pressemelding datert 15. februar 2021 uttrykker den europeiske organisasjonen CLECAT bekymring for varetransporten grunnet strenge  innreiserestriksjoner i de ulike landene.

Flere europeiske land har nå så restriktive innreiseregler knyttet til Covid-19 at det får konsekvenser for godsfremføringen.

Blant annet trekkes Tyskland frem som et eksempel på flaskehals. 

Tyskland besluttet 14. februar at flere navngitte land er å anse som "areas of variant concern" og sjåfører fra disse landene må bl.a. fremvise sertifisert negativ test på grensen. Dette fører til overbelastede grensestasjoner, endrede kjøreruter og forsinkelser i transportene.

CLECAT understreker at medlemslandene selvsagt må hensynta covid-19 og ta sine forhåndsregler, men at det samtidig må legges til rette for at forsyningskjedene ikke stopper opp.

Videre viser CLECAT til at EU-kommisjonen har anerkjent gods- og varetransporten som en næring med en viktig samfunnsrolle og at foryningskjedene må holdes i gang.

Les hele pressemeldingen her


Nedenfor følger CLECAT CIRCULAR 2021/046 til orientering:

Dear Member,

In reaction to the tightened entry regulations for transport workers in more and more EU countries, CLECAT has published a press release, calling on the Member States to respect the Green Lanes for freight transport and avoid a chain reaction of national entry restrictions for transport workers due to the devastating impact on supply chains.

This follows the most recent decision by Germany (in effect from 14 February) to classify Czech Republic, Slovakia and Tyrol (Austria) as ‘areas of variant concern’, meaning that all persons entering Germany (including goods transport drivers) who have stayed in or transited one or more of the aforementioned countries during the last 10 days will be subject to the obligation to register, to hold a negative COVID-19 test and, in some cases, to quarantine. Austria has already reacted to the restrictive German entry regulations and limited the access and transit through its territory.

For information, you will find attached an updated overview of the EU Member States’ regulations that affect the border crossing of transport personnel, distributed by the European Commission on 12 February. Please note that this file is for information only and cannot be considered as an official EU document. In case you would like to forward it to third parties, we kindly ask you to pass on this disclaimer.

Please also note that the Council today adopted two sets of temporary rules to support the transport sector:

  • Relief from airport slot use requirements to prevent running empty flights merely for the sake of keeping the slots for the next year. Under the new rules, airlines must use 50% of their slot series and return any unwanted slots at the latest three weeks before the planned flight. The Commission may extend the relief for a further two seasons by delegated act, with a margin between 30-70%. The adopted text can be found here.
  • An extension of the Omnibus Regulation (EU) 2020/698, stipulating that the validity of certificates, licences and authorisations in certain areas of transport legislation, with expiry dates falling between 1 September 2020 and 30 June 2021, can be extended by 10 months if the Member State in which renewals are to be issued is facing restrictions due to COVID-19. The adopted text can be found here.

The legal acts will now be signed by both institutions and published in the EU Official Journal. They will enter into force the day after their publication.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Nicolette van der Jagt

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